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Banoffee pie with homemade toffee is a dessert that can bring happiness to any house. It’s sweet, it’s indulgent and it’s crazy delicious. This is one of those recipes you know has a lot of calories, but from time-to-time you just need that in your life.

I’m not sure how or why this happened, but I’ve started baking on Fridays. I’m baking in the morning, on my lunch break and sometimes after work too! It’s been like this for more than a month. It’s almost like having a full-time job isn’t stressful enough, so I’ve decided to make my life even more complicated. But it does also mean that I can make the most delicious desserts for My Fussy Eater as a lovely reminder that for two days, we’re going to enjoy our lives to the fullest.

I was cleaning my cupboards and spotted I had a tin of condensed milk which was almost out of date. By now, you know that in this house we don’t waste food. So, this discovery could mean only one thing – it’s baking time. I flipped through Pinterest, Google and Instagram to get some ideas on what to do with this tin. The most common recipe suggestion was Banoffee Pie…

Banoffee Pie with Homemade Toffee served on a plate next to the sliced bananas

Let me confess, I have never eaten a Banoffee Pie. I knew My Fussy Eater was keen on this dessert though, so I decided to give it a go. I followed the best of the best Marry Berry Banoffee Pie recipe with a couple of twists and two hours later this gorgeous (crazy-calorific dessert) was on my plate. Oh guys… it’s just stunning!

Lovely, zesty pastry, silky and smooth homemade toffee, sharp bananas and light as feather whipped cream – all finished with bitter dark chocolate. All the goodness in a single bite.

This is certainly not a dessert for every weekend, however, it’s a perfect recipe if you want that extra kick of sweetness.   

Banoffee Pie with Homemade Toffee served on a plate

Banoffee Pie Recipe

150g plain flour
75g cold butter
1 lime (zest and juice)
30g caster sugar
1 egg
Pinch of salt

1 tin of condensed milk
70g butter
1 tablespoon of brown sugar

200ml double cream
2 tablespoons of caster sugar
1 teaspoon of cream stabiliser (not necessary)

2 bananas
Dark chocolate


1. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and take the pastry out of the fridge.

Prepare the tart case:
2. Rub the flour and butter between your fingertips until the mixture gets like the texture of breadcrumbs.
3. Add the caster sugar, egg, zest and juice of one lime and a pinch of salt. Mix everything together until the ingredients come together (don’t overmix it).
4. Wrap the dough in cling film and leave it in the fridge for 30 minutes to cool.

Prepare the toffee
5. Add the butter and brown sugar into a saucepan. Melt the butter.
6. Add the condensed milk and bring to a boil, always stirring for about 3 – 5 minutes. Do not over boil it.
7. After the toffee is done, leave it in the fridge for at least an hour to cool down completely. 

Bake the tart:
8. Lightly dust your work surface with some plain flour. Roll out the pastry to a circle of 5mm thickness. Put the rolled-out pastry into a tart case. Using your fingers, gently press the dough into the corners of the case. Prick the base of the tart with a fork.
9. Cut a large piece of baking parchment and scrunch it up. Open it out again, and place the parchment on top of the pastry. Fill the tart with baking beans.
10. Bake the tart for 20 minutes. After that, remove the beans with the baking sheet and bake for additional 10 minutes.
11. After the case is baked, let it cool for 10 minutes.
12. Using a sharp knife, neatly trim the edges of your tart (follow the tart tin structure and slide your knife along it to give a sharp, neat pastry finish).

Prepare the cream:
13. Whip the cream with sugar and stabiliser (if you’re using it) in a bowl until soft peaks form.

Arrange the cake:
14. After the case has completely cooled down, add the toffee sauce.
15. Arrange the banana slices on top and add the cream.
16. Finish your banoffee pie with some shaved chocolate. Leave it in the fridge for an hour before serving.

Banoffee Pie with Homemade Toffee served on a plate next to the whipped cream