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Flavoured butter is like a piece of heaven on your plate. It’s easy to make and you can utilise anything and everything from your fridge. This recipe takes just a minute to prepare but adds a massive amount of flavour to your dishes.

From time to time, I get the idea to go vegan. Completely ditch all meat, fish and animal products. To be honest, some days this feels so right that I’m almost tempted to begin straight away. But then the reality hits… “Imagine your life without diary. No cheese, no butter, no cream!” – my inner monologue rails. Personally, this sounds like absolute hell (I promise I’m not being dramatic at all!).

Jokes aside, I feel that butter is the one ingredient that makes any dish better and elevates any recipe to another level. It’s no surprise that the wonderful Julia Childs once said: “With enough butter, anything is good” and I couldn’t agree more! Butter gives that unmistakeable richness and depth of flavour.

Flavoured Butter with harissa, dill, parsley and garlic

Even this perfect ingredient can become *even better* by adding different products. What’s more, supplementing your butter can be a perfect way to utilise any leftover herbs in your fridge. Today I’ll share three very simple flavour combinations, but please use this as a guideline, not a rule. Play with combinations, discover new flavours and end up with the most wonderful creations that give your food an extra punch.

Hopefully, you’ll enjoy these simple recipes as much as me and incorporate them into your Sunday preparation routine. Don’t forget that flavoured butter can be used as a condiment for your morning toast, but it also can be used in cooking (which I absolutely love doing).


Flavoured Butter with harissa, dill, parsley and garlic

Butter with Chives
100g soft butter
Bunch of chives

Finely chop chives and mix the herbs with soft butter and salt. Leave it in the fridge for a couple of hours to firm-up.

Butter with Harissa
100g soft butter
1 teaspoon of harissa paste
5 sun-dried tomatoes

Chop your sun-dried tomatoes into small pieces. Add harissa paste to soft butter together with sun-dried tomatoes and salt.  Mix everything together. Leave it in the fridge for a couple of hours to get firm.

Butter with Herbs
100g soft butter
Bunch of parsley
Bunch of dill
1 garlic clove
30g parmesan cheese

Finely chop parsley and dill. Grate the garlic and parmesan cheese. Mix all the ingredients with soft butter and salt. Leave it in the fridge for a couple of hours to get firm.

Flavoured Butter with harissa, dill, parsley and garlic